Thursday, February 7, 2013


   "Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand" -Stevie Wonder
     In some form or another we have all heard music, whether it was on a car stereo, our favorite movie, that Italian restaurant, blasting in our headphones, or even a tune we wake up to on our alarm clock. Can you think of any other times music is encountered in our every day lives?
     Throughout history music has played a role in people's lives, for enjoyment, spirituality, etc., and to this day has continued to grow and expand taking its roots from the past. There are various forms of music, classical, jazz, and pop, each with their own unique characteristics that guide our perception,interaction, and relationship with each form. Once we understand what characterizes classical, jazz, and pop we can begin to listen to a piece of music and categorize it into its proper form, gaining a true understanding and appreciation for each musical form; although many of us will develop a favorite based on these unique characteristics. After reading through this blog you will be able to understand these various forms of music, specifically how they arose and what specific characteristics each has.

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