Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pop Music Forms

Rock and Roll
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Elvis Presley is another popular musician that took the stage in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century and the music he performed was called rock and roll. Rock and roll took inspiration from blues, country, jazz, and gospel music. Rock and roll really took center stage due to the dance craze of the time. Dennis J. Sporre said rock and roll "is loud, intense, coarse, and fast in tempo with an obvious sexuality in its sound and lyrics" (116). In the beginning rock and roll emphasized a piano or saxophone, but soon after the guitar became the lead instrument as many know today. Rock and roll is essentially  based on a blues rhythm with an accented backbeat. Rock and roll came to influence many aspects of life, from fashion, to attitude, and language, just ask anyone from the age.
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Rap was another pop music form that arose in the 1990's. Rap had a deep connection with the fight for equality among African Americans, as seen by its lyrics full of "violence, anger, and aggression" as stated by Dennis J. Sporre (116). People turned militant and violent in those times and music was the way to express these thoughts and feelings. We still see rap today that focuses on and is created by troubled youth and life problems. Rap was quite different from the other forms of music in the way that it sounds basically like a person talking with their regular voice, just on the faster side. Rap featured "half-spoken lyrics and strong, complex rhythms" featuring percussion, bass, and synthesizers (Sporre 116). To create this sound these songs had to use turntablists or DJs in recording studios, using the technique of scratching (cutting in and out) or looping (repeating of short sound fragments). To this day rap is made with similar techniques and reflects very similar themes from the past, but continues to grow and change with the times.

Sporre, Dennis J. Reality Through the Arts. Pearson (2013)

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